Nosoarea Isolated

A nosoarea is the geographic region in which a particular disease or disease is distributed. The nosoarea can be either large or small, depending on the prevalence of the disease and its severity. In this article we will consider the concept of a separate nosoarea - N.O.

BUT. is a compact area that has a relatively small area and is characterized by a high concentration of patients. BUT. can be caused by various factors such as genetic predispositions, environmental conditions, social factors, etc.

One example of N.O. is the region where a certain type of cancer spreads. In this case, N.O. may be limited to a specific area where the concentration of cancer patients is high. This may be due to genetic predisposition or environmental conditions.

Another example is an area where certain types of infectious diseases spread. In this case, N.O. will be limited to a geographic area where there is a high concentration of cases. This may be caused by features of the social environment or features of the environment.

In general, N.O. is an important concept in medicine and epidemiology, as it allows one to more accurately determine the geographic area of ​​distribution of the disease and develop more effective prevention and treatment measures.

**Separated nosoareal** (Latin arealis (species) - “area; area, zone; zone of action”) is a geonozoarea, characterized by its smaller size and varied surface. In nosogeographical studies it is considered mainly as a small form, and sometimes as a population. The importance of an isolated nosoarea in the biosphere is due to its small size, therefore it is the small forms of the nosogeosystem that are widely represented in theoretical studies. In addition, they more often become the object of interdisciplinary research.