Nothnagel's palsy

This is a rare paralytic disease that was first described in the 1960s by Australian physician Robert Nothnagel (Note Man). The epilogue of all the news is related to this diagnosis. What kind of disease is this? And why was she called that? It turns out that her name was given in honor of the famous doctor John Harrison Lindeman, a famous heart surgeon. The disease is closely related to heme. The doctor found out about this after one unsuccessful appendectomy. Fortunately, it was the liver and not the heart that went under the surgeon’s knife.

John Lindeman constantly experimented on himself. They all ended with the lining of his heart, the pericardium, becoming inflamed. During one of the experiments, a man noticed how the heart changed its appearance. It was diagnosed as musical appendicitis. Doctors chose the most appropriate name for the disease. Since then, this disease has come to be called all types of inflammation of the pericardium.