Novaskin reviews or scam

The first wrinkles appear in women after 25 years, since at this age there is a weakening of the functions of the sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as a decrease in the amount of collagen and elastin in the dermis. However, the elasticity of the skin can decrease much earlier as a result of poor nutrition, frequent stress, regular drinking of alcohol, and low physical activity.

It is quite difficult to get rid of this cosmetic defect, because hardware rejuvenation gives a short-lived effect, Botox injections worsen facial expressions, and surgical intervention can lead to swelling and deformation of facial features. The most effective method of combating biological aging is Novaskin. This serum smoothes wrinkles and restores skin elasticity in just 14 days. You can use the product at home, which allows you to avoid additional costs for salon procedures.

There are many anti-wrinkle creams, gels and balms sold in pharmacies and stores. Why is Novaskin serum better than other drugs?

Most products offered by retail outlets contain synthetic components that can cause allergies. In addition, such drugs have a high price for a small volume, while the cost of Novaskin is only 990 rubles.

The secret to the effectiveness of Novaskin anti-wrinkle serum lies in its unique structure. The main active ingredients of the product are:

  1. Temp-ake, nourishing and moisturizing the skin.
  2. Coconut oil, relaxing facial muscles and pushing out wrinkles from the inside.
  3. Chamomile extract, strengthens the oval of the face, eliminating dryness and irritation of the skin.
  4. Arguilerine, removes toxins and suppresses the activity of harmful microorganisms.
  5. Olive oil, softening the skin and accelerating its renewal.
  6. narrowleaf blueberry, improving metabolic processes, activating the synthesis of elastin and collagen.
  7. Aloe leaf juice, stimulating microcirculation and preventing the formation of vascular networks.
  8. Grape seed extract, suppressing harmful oxidative processes.
  9. Hyaluronate, giving the skin softness and smoothness.
  10. Triglycerides, toning the dermis and healing small cracks.

Real reviews from patients who used Novaskin anti-wrinkle serum indicate that after 2 weeks of continuous use the following results are observed:

  1. wrinkles and nasolabial folds are smoothed out;
  2. the color of the skin becomes natural and healthy;
  3. age spots and dark circles under the eyes disappear;
  4. sagging and sagging facial skin disappears.

It is clear that the main advantage of the drug is its natural composition. What other advantages does Novaskin serum have?

The benefits of the product include:

  1. Light texture that ensures quick absorption and does not leave a tight film on the face.
  2. Can be used for all skin types.
  3. No redness or itching after applying the serum.
  4. Rapid elimination of wrinkles, which occurs while fully maintaining the mobility of the facial muscles.

From reviews of Novaskin serum you can find out that this anti-wrinkle drug has no restrictions or side effects. Patients note that after 14 days their skin became fresh and tightened.

Perhaps there are some special rules for using the serum? What to do to quickly achieve the desired effect?

The algorithm for using this anti-wrinkle drug is quite simple:

  1. removing makeup residue using a regular cleanser;
  2. applying serum to a cotton pad;
  3. treatment of the neck, décolleté and face;
  4. rubbing with smooth movements until completely absorbed.

I want to buy the drug, but it is not available in pharmacies in my city. Where can I find Novaskin?

Novaskin, reviews of which are mostly positive, is produced in a limited batch, so this product cannot be found on the shelves of regular sales outlets.

You can purchase Novaskin anti-aging drug only on the supplier’s official website. To do this, you must enter your contact information in a special order form. The manager quickly contacts the customer to clarify the delivery address.

The client will be able to receive the parcel at the nearest post office in his city. Payment is made only after the goods arrive, which allows the buyer to avoid fraud.

On the Internet you can find not only positive, but also negative reviews about this product. What explains this?

Sometimes patients order Novaskin serum on the Internet, but do not use the official page, but third-party resources. In such cases, sellers send customers a fake, which has a high cost. Accordingly, such a product does not bring the expected results, so women claim that the drug is a simple scam to take money.

To protect yourself from scammers, you need to buy Novaskin from the official manufacturer. When receiving a parcel, you should pay attention to the special code, which is direct evidence of the authenticity of the arrived product.

The opinion that Novaskin serum is a scam is erroneous. The original product will quickly relieve patients from deep wrinkles and complexes associated with age-related skin changes.

A preparation made from natural ingredients. It is not a medicine or dietary supplement.

"NOVASKIN" (Novaskin) - buy in a pharmacy, price

Every woman strives to maintain the beauty and health of her skin, but not everyone has the opportunity to buy expensive cosmetics or undergo cosmetic procedures. Today there are products that can help restore skin elasticity and prolong youth at home. Microemulsion “NOVASKIN” cannot be purchased at a pharmacy; the price on the manufacturer’s website is the optimal amount. The supplier regularly runs promotions that will help you save on the purchase of an effective serum.

Advantages of the solution:

  1. Cleansing cells from harmful components and substances;
  2. Improved blood circulation;
  3. Health safety;
  4. Fabric nutrition
  5. Activation of collagen and elastin production;
  6. Metabolism restoration.

When used consistently, the serum improves skin elasticity, eliminates sagging, fights fine wrinkles, strengthens facial contours, evens out and brightens skin tone.

"Novaskin" - instructions for use and composition

The solution is made using an innovative formula; it contains components necessary for the health and beauty of the skin. They help activate the natural processes of cells, which allows you to achieve rejuvenating results.

Microemulsion components:

  1. Temp-ake. The substance moisturizes the skin, nourishes it with vitamins, and has a protective effect against environmental factors;
  2. Argireline. Removes toxins, impurities and harmful substances through pores, blocks the activity of bacteria, has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces susceptibility to allergens;
  3. Narrow-leaved blueberry. Activates the production of collagen, elastin, restores intracellular metabolism;
  4. Aloe juice. Helps improve blood circulation, supply microelements to cells, strengthens blood vessels, capillaries, prevents the occurrence of rosacea, moisturizes the skin, accelerates wound healing;
  5. Coconut oil. Moisturizes, rejuvenates the skin, helps eliminate scars, reduce wrinkles, nourishes;
  6. Chamomile extract. Improves tissue turgor, eliminates inflammatory processes, brightens the skin, makes the tone even, relieves dryness and irritation.

The complex effect of beneficial substances has a beneficial effect on the tissue. Natural substances are best accepted by the body and help improve the appearance and health of the epithelium.

How to use facial serum:

  1. Cleanse skin of cosmetics.
  2. Apply the serum to a cotton pad and wipe the cloth for 5-10 minutes.

The procedure must be carried out in the morning and evening. The serum works great not only for the skin of the face, but also the neck and décolleté. The course of application is 14 days. To achieve a stable result, it is recommended to carry out a course of application every six months.

"Novaskin" - official website

You won’t be able to buy the product in cosmetic stores because the manufacturer does not supply it to third-party sales points. You can order Novaskin through the official website. The product is becoming an effective and necessary product for women and girls who want to maintain their youth. Therefore, it is better to prefer ordering the complex through an online store.

Place an order on the main page of the site. The manager will call the buyer back to clarify the parameters and determine the delivery service. An important factor is payment for the purchase upon receipt of the parcel. No need to pay for your order on the website.

Serum "NOVASKIN" (Novaskin) - reviews

Serum "NOVASKIN" (Novaskin) provides good reviews from customers around the world.

I have been looking for a long time for a good moisturizer that is suitable for summer and winter use, will nourish aging skin, and is also suitable for applying makeup. I ordered this cream from an online store, I’m glad I bought it. Now I practically don’t use foundation, because my skin is beautiful and my tone is even. Perfectly moisturizes and nourishes. Suitable for combination and dry facial skin.

Good product, easy to use because there is a button. The gel itself is well absorbed, does not tighten, and nourishes the skin. There is no need to apply moisturizer after the serum. I noticed that the product perfectly evens out the tone and removes mesh on the skin. Acne scars gradually decrease and disappear.

The cream was given to my mother at work. Excellent for aging skin, removes wrinkles and scars, no allergies or side effects.

I buy this serum because it is suitable for skin after 40 years. Of course, it does not remove large wrinkles, but it makes them noticeably smaller, the skin does not look tired, on the contrary, it is nourished and beautiful. Reduces pores, brightens. I put all the creams in a drawer, this is the only product I use.

Universal serum. Ideal for skin types, works, keeps makeup in place.

“Novaskin” – a scam? All the truth!

How well does the rejuvenation product work? Is Novaskin really a scam? The whole truth about the serum from the manufacturer.

I used the cream for six months, there was no result. Doesn't even moisturize properly. Baby cream works better too. A waste of money, it is better to buy professional cosmetics or go to a cosmetologist.

Manufacturer's response:

When using microemulsion, results are noticeable within a few days. The skin becomes turgor, velvety, nourished and moisturized. The lack of effectiveness indicates that the product is not original, so it is better to prefer purchasing the complex directly from the online store of the official seller. The original solution has a rejuvenating effect and helps restore the protective functions of the skin, which prevents aging.

The serum is terrible, allergies and acne started.

Manufacturer's response:

You probably have an individual intolerance to the components, or you ordered a counterfeit product. The original serum does not cause allergies or side effects, as it contains hypoallergenic components and is made using modern technologies for processing elements.

Smooth skin, no wrinkles, healthy complexion. Agree, there is no woman who would not like this, despite her age. And, of course, as the song says, we won’t stand behind the price! And if plastic surgery and various injections are really beyond the means of many representatives of the fair half, then grandmother’s recipes and creams - why not?! This is what scammers take advantage of, tirelessly inventing more and more miracle pills for rejuvenation and beauty. Today we are reviewing the miracle pill Novaskin (Novaskin). Everything is as usual - zero contraindications (even eczema, even an ulcer - the ointment!), suitable for everyone without any examinations, sent anywhere in the country, and most importantly - distributed completely free of charge! Well, do you believe in fairy tales? We, too. Therefore, let's figure it out.

Following the links of our subscribers we get to some vague site “Doctor’s Library” with a catchy title “ELENA MIKHAILOVA: How to look younger at 56 without plastic surgery and Botox injections, completely free". There, a certain Siberian teacher from the deep taiga province tells us all the happiness of owning Novaskin (Novaskin), depicts the suffering due to the withering of our bodies and the euphoria of life getting better again! And all this is thanks only to this pill. Roughly speaking - such an extensive positive review about Novaskin (Novaskin) The truth is that it is thickly mixed up with outright lies.

We quote the scammers, apologizing in advance for the large piece, but otherwise not seeing the entire structure is heresy:
"Case helped me
Thanks to Alla Borisovna for the tip!
And then I saw a program on TV with Alla Pugacheva. The program was filmed at her home on the eve of her birthday.
As usual, the presenter tells Alla the usual compliments about how good she looks and suddenly, unexpectedly, the Diva answers in an unconventional way:
– Thanks to the Americans! At my age, I am already afraid to have plastic surgery.
It turns out that 7 years ago she almost died in a Swiss clinic from plastic surgery and stopped dangerous experiments on her appearance for a long time. I didn’t inject Botox because my face is like a doll’s, no facial expressions. But, thank God, the Japanese Beauty Institute offered an even better product - NOVASKIN serum. Even more effective than Botox, but absolutely safe and no injections! And to prove its effectiveness, he shows his photos from 3 months ago.
Then the presenter began asking Alla about her young children, Christina, grandchildren, etc. I wasn't interested. I was already dreaming about Novaskin!
I started looking for information about him on the Internet. And I found it! This year it was certified by our State Scientific Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology" and it is now available for order on the official website!
It was also important for me that the dermatology center managed to make the serum available to everyone! After long negotiations they launched federal program, the goal is to give every person the opportunity to look good, regardless of their financial status. As part of this program, the product is distributed completely free of charge!

Oh, how. Impressionable housewives are delighted. But we hasten to disappoint. Firstly, the certification of this "drug" in "State Scientific Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology" simply does not exist in nature. Secondly, the mentioned nameless “federal program” also does not exist and has never existed. Why, we couldn’t find on any Japanese site not only extensive reviews of the revolutionary new product, but also NOT ONE mention of Novaskin (Novaskin) at all! A complete lie.

Let's scroll down and what do we see? Yes, a bunch of positive comments from satisfied women who diligently pass off as real reviews about Novaskin (Novaskin). What’s especially funny about these comments is that not a single photo on the avatar matches the “before and after” photo. It is unclear who this primitive nonsense is intended for. Is there really one sane person who will believe that these are reviews of real people, and not the scammers themselves with (traditionally) stolen photos of others?! Would anyone in their right mind believe that having bought a cream, a woman would then waste her time mastering HTML coding in order to insert a link to the “official website” into a review of Novaskin? Then he will run to the studio and take professional “before and after” photos, pay for it, and then post it in reviews on a second-rate primitive one-page site, waste his time, money, edit, send?! Well, don't be ridiculous. However, there are lies here at every step, which we are surprised at.

As you already understood, this is a fake, a fake site to lure potential suckers to some “official site”, where simple-minded fools will be scammed out of money with fables about unearthly beauty without any effort.

Well, let's move on to this one official website of Novaskin (Novaskin), where we are so persistently invited from the fake site.

Yes, nothing original, an ordinary scam one-page site selling all kinds of cheap and useless rubbish for cosmic money. All the signs were clearly visible:

— bright, but primitive design with errors and layout defects.

- profuse verbal diarrhea. A lot has been written and in very abstruse words. Scammers have long understood that the more voluminous and abstruse the speeches, the easier it is to fool a sucker and spin him for money.

- the magic price is ZERO rubles. yes, yes - free. However, don’t flatter yourself too much, you won’t get anything for free. The essence of the Novaskin divorce is simple. To get one pack “for free”, you need to order a “full course” of several. And you will have to pay several thousand rubles for them! And this is for a useless penny piece of fresh water of unknown composition!

Traditionally - not a single document on Novaskin (Novaskin). No certificates, no information about the composition. no permits for implementation - nothing! Nothing at all! Price of Novaskin (Novaskin) in pharmacies? Come on, what pharmacies? Pharmacies do not sell uncertified liquid of unknown origin! After all, what this dregs consists of, who produces it, how and where is a secret that you will never know! You won’t even know who’s selling it! There is not a SINGLE contact, full name, or address on the site! There isn't even a telephone. You must first indicate your name and telephone number, and only then they will call you back. Complete anonymity. By the way, after ordering, you will never be able to call the scammers’ number again! You will be immediately blacklisted. For what? Yes, so that they could neither refuse their order nor make a claim later. Don't believe me? Check it out!

The cardboard fool is also in place - A.E. Nefedov Doctor with 20 years of experience, Ph.D., naturopath. Yes, we are familiar with these regalia and full name. We find a mention of this clown in the material: Alcolock (Alcolock) - another alkolokhotron. There is, however, a different guy in the photo (who, in turn, is also a many-faced Janus). But when did this confuse scammers who have neither honor nor conscience?! Steal a photo from anyone? No problem at all!

And here we finally found this A.E. Nefedov Doctor with 20 years of experience, Ph.D., naturopath. Do you know who this is? You'll never guess! This is an ordinary model who is dressed up in various costumes, and then photographed and the finished photographs are sold to everyone. Our grandfather with a stethoscope (why does a cosmetologist need one by the way?) has a very modest name “Family Doctor with His Patients”, and the same modest price of 640 rubles 10 kopecks for a copy of the photo.

A lie put on stream.
Still want it order and buy Novaskin (Novaskin)? True or false Novaskin (Novaskin)? Divorce or not? Of course, it's up to you to decide!

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