Novocaine, Boric Acid, Ethyl Alcohol

Recently, many people are increasingly beginning to pay attention to their health and take care of maintaining it using various means and methods. When choosing medications, first of all, you need to pay attention to their quality and country of origin, since many low-quality drugs can harm the body and negatively affect the overall health of a person. One of these remedies is novocaine, boric and ethyl alcohols, which are widely used for various diseases and skin problems. This list of drugs can be found in almost all pharmacies in the country. In this article we will look at the beneficial properties of these drugs and draw attention to some of their features and differences.

Novocaine usually contains two components: procaine (proxymethane acid) and epinephrine (adrenaline). Procaine is a short-acting local anesthetic that blocks nerve impulses, which helps relieve pain during the injection of the drug into the body. Epinephrine increases blood pressure, dilates blood vessels and enhances the vasoconstrictor properties of procaine.

Boric acid is an antiseptic that is used to treat inflammatory processes, fungal diseases and skin infections. Boric acid not only fights pathogens, but also stops the spread of infection by destroying bacteria and fungi on the affected surface. It also has an astringent and drying effect.

Ethyl (medicinal) alcohol is known for its disinfecting properties. Ethyl alcohol is widely used in medicine for disinfection of various surfaces and instruments, as well as as the main component of solutions or aqueous-alcoholic creams/ointments for external use. Weakened skin becomes more sensitive to radiation, increasing susceptibility to malignancy. Therefore, nowadays you should not use alcohol in large quantities. It is recommended to reduce alcohol consumption, stick to moderate doses in order to reduce the risks of various internal diseases, including cancer, hyperglycemia (increased glucose levels) and heart health problems, especially for children. Do not forget that alcoholic drinks in large quantities are prohibited in beauty salons and massages, because they cause inadequate reactions of the body on the skin and lead to huge problems. Ethyl alcohol can be used to dilute medicinal solutions made from other products