Novocaine Blockade Intrameatal

**Novocaine scandal - no judgment**

On March 10, the press secretary of the Ministry of Health of Khakassia, Andrei Popravkin, contacted the editor with a proposal to draw attention to the procedure of novocaine blockade of intrameatom being carried out in one of the medical institutions in the region. According to him, the treatment is carried out without the patient’s permission.

As reported by the news agency Stolitsa 24, the author of the video called the procedure medical care without the consent of the patient and publication of materials in the media by the medical institution. According to the author, in the medical institution there was a prohibited injection for anesthesiologists and resuscitators, and all information about this procedure was not disclosed to them. After the consultation, it was decided to send the patient home, however, four hours later, she was returned again to undergo the same procedure - the “Novocaine scandal”.

In this general surgery department there is no anesthesiology as such, but an anesthesiologist-resuscitator, who, in fact, is a medical brother. A doctor aged 44 to 50 performed procedures in a treatment room. The nurses controlled all actions and provided psychological support: “woman, don’t worry, sit on the sofa, or whatever you want.”

**How ​​did this happen?**

The woman says that at a medical institution she is undergoing treatment for alcoholism: she is put into rehabilitation and connected with a narcologist who wants to take advantage of the patient’s goodwill and start placing IVs.

According to the woman, manipulations with the intrameatal blockade were carried out throughout the whole night - from 4:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., when she, overwhelmed with horror, collapsed.