Surgical knife

A surgical knife is an instrument that is used to cut soft tissue, tendons, and cartilage during surgical operations. It has a long blade with a sharp edge and a handle that allows the surgeon to hold the knife securely in his hand. Surgical knives can be made from a variety of materials, such as steel, ceramic or titanium, and have different blade shapes.

Surgical knives are used to perform various types of surgeries, including surgeries on the chest, abdomen, head and neck. They can also be used to remove tumors and perform surgeries on joints and tendons.

One of the most common types of surgical knives is the scalpel. Scalpels have a long, thin blade that allows for precise cuts in soft tissue. They are used for operations on the skin, mucous membranes and other soft tissues.

Another type of surgical knife is the scissors. They have two handles connected by blades that can be used to separate fabrics. Scissors are used to cut skin, muscle and other tissues.

Regardless of the type of surgical knife, it must be sharp and clean to avoid wound infection. In addition, the surgeon must be able to use the knife correctly to minimize the risk of damage to surrounding tissues and organs.

Surgical Knife: Instrument of Precision Dismembering Power

A surgical knife is an integral tool in a surgeon’s arsenal, designed for cutting soft tissue, tendons and cartilage. Its precision, sharpness and efficiency make it indispensable in medical intervention procedures. In this article, we will look at the main aspects and characteristics of the surgical knife, as well as its different types and applications in modern medical practice.

Surgical knives are designed to provide maximum precision and control during surgical operations. They feature sharp blades and an ergonomic design that allows surgeons to perform a variety of procedures safely and effectively. Surgical knives are made from durable materials such as stainless steel or alloys, ensuring sterility and durability during use.

Depending on the specific procedure and application, there are several types of surgical knives. One of the most common types is the scalpel, which is a thin and sharp blade attached to a handle. Using a scalpel, the surgeon can make a small incision in the skin and soft tissue to access the surgical area. There are also specialized surgical knives designed for specific procedures, such as knives for separating tendons or cutting cartilage.

The sharpness of a surgical knife blade plays an important role in its functionality. Sharp blades allow surgeons to work precisely and accurately, minimizing damage to surrounding tissue. Thanks to advances in manufacturing technology, some surgical knives have microsurgical sharpness, allowing for minimally invasive procedures with less scarring and faster patient recovery.

An important aspect of a surgical knife is its sterility. All surgical knives must undergo strict cleaning, disinfection and sterilization procedures before use. This ensures that the instrument is not a source of infection or possible source of contamination during surgery.

Surgical knives also undergo regular maintenance and blade replacement. Blade wear can affect its effectiveness and safety, so surgeons and medical personnel should monitor the condition of knives