Razor Knife

A raspatory knife is a surgical instrument for separating the fibrocartilaginous membrane of the bronchi. It consists of two parts: a double-edged knife and a rasp. The working part of the knife is a double-sided blade, and the raspator is a flat blade that is used to separate the membrane from the wall of the bronchi.

The raspatory knife is used during lung operations to remove fibrocartilaginous formations in the bronchi. It allows you to quickly and effectively separate the membrane from the walls of the bronchi without damaging surrounding tissue.

When using a rasp knife, certain safety rules must be followed. First, you need to make sure that the instrument is positioned correctly and does not damage surrounding tissue. Secondly, it is necessary to use sterile gloves and other protective equipment.

Overall, the rasp knife is an important tool for performing lung surgery. It allows you to effectively and safely remove fibrocartilaginous formations in the bronchi, which contributes to the rapid recovery of patients and reduces the risk of complications.

In the modern world, a lot is connected with medicine. Surgery is one of the first positions of importance, since many patients require surgical treatment to save their lives and prevent possible complications. One of the tools used by surgeons during operations is a raspatory knife. It was developed in the last century and continues to be used in modern medicine. In this article we will take a detailed look at this tool, its purpose, advantages and features of use. A raspatory knife is a surgical instrument for performing operations in the digestive tract. The device allows peeling of the parietal membrane of a hollow organ (usually the stomach) from the underlying muscle tissue. The action of the raspatory knife increases the efficiency of separation of the esophagus from the stomach, which promotes better penetration of corticosteroids into the affected area.

It has two working surfaces: one is a rim, the other is a saw. The steel from which the knife blade is made is specially treated to prevent irritation of nerves and tissues that metal can cause.