
The issue of family harmony and well-being is important for everyone: married couples, parents and their children, brothers and sisters, as well as for relationships between close friends. But is it only close people who can help us in this matter? Is it possible for a relationship between two people who are not blood relatives but love, respect and support each other to also be healthy and harmonious?

This kind of relationship is called the “nuclear family.” These relationships are different from an ordinary family and have their own characteristics and advantages. In order to better understand these relationships, it is worth turning to the history of their emergence.

The nuclear family originated in ancient times as a small group of people, mainly including in-laws and in-laws, who could only survive through mutual

Nuclears are the most ancient living organisms on the planet. Some of them have existed for more than two billion years and are one of the most important components of the environment. In addition, they play an important role in biological evolution, since it is thanks to them that most modern organisms appeared.

The first living organism was a single, single-celled creature - a protocell, which was born about three billion years ago. A lot of time has passed since then: animals evolved over a billion years, dinosaurs appeared over two hundred million years, and only about 400 million years ago the first phase of the “oxygen catastrophe” occurred - an ecological catastrophe, which was facilitated by the emergence of aerobic (oxygen-requiring cells) organisms and an increase in oxygen concentration in the atmosphere. Nuclears did not adapt to the new living conditions that arose thanks to oxygen-aerobic organisms, so they disappeared from the face of the earth and only parts of their species remained, which later became the ancestors of modern bacteria. It is bacteria that breathe under the influence of oxygen.

More than 90% of all living microorganisms are represented by nuclei, that is, bacteria. Most of them live in the depths of the World Ocean, on land and in fresh water bodies. As a percentage of the total number of living forms of the Earth, nuclei make up about 50%, that is, only 50% belong to animals, plants and fungi. Other types of organisms (eukaryotes, flagellates, anaerobes) currently account for no more than 1% of the total species biomass of this planet.