Nutrient Medium Ploskirev

Ploskirev’s nutrient medium – what is it?

Ploskreva's culture medium is a laboratory mixture ideal for preserving and growing microbes. So what is she? What is its significance? And why is this environment called that? Let's explain. _So, let's move on to the question - “Nutritional medium P_o _l_a _s_k _re_va”. There is also another type of this medium - Endo medium. It is designed to detect hemolytic streptococci. But it has a different structure and differs from Ploskirev’s nutrient medium. What does the nutrient medium consist of? Composition of Ploskivatyev’s nutritional mixture

The microflora included Evynn Libbrecht and Arthur M. Lord. These scientists spent a lot of time in the microscope, and they thought it was funny that biologists call the ideal environment