Sternum area

The sternum area is one of the most important anatomical structures of the human body. It is located in the front of the chest and occupies a central position in the chest, dividing it into two halves.

The sternum area is made up of several bones that form the strong frame of the rib cage. This area contains important organs and structures such as the heart, lungs, esophagus, trachea and bronchi.

The importance of the sternum area is that it protects these organs from damage and injury. In addition, it plays an important role in maintaining the correct shape of the chest and allowing breathing.

In order to maintain the health and functionality of the sternum area, it is necessary to maintain proper body position and avoid excessive stress on this area. Regular exercise, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle can help keep this important area of ​​the body healthy.

Thus, the sternum area is an important anatomical formation that plays a key role in the functioning of the human body. To maintain the health of this area, it is necessary to ensure its proper functioning and health, and to avoid excessive physical activity.

The sternum region refers to the anterior medial region of the chest. It is located at the level of the sternum, in the middle part of the chest. It makes up about 7% of the total body surface area, and is very important for human life.

The brisket area refers to one of the largest areas in the upper chest and contains many organs and structures, including the heart, lungs, trachea, esophagus and blood vessels. The thoracic region is also the center of movement of the chest, making it active in the process of breathing and body movement.

The brisket area also contains organs that ensure the safety and life of the body. Among them are the chest, protective membranes and bones, as well as internal organs and lymphatic vessels that protect the body from infections and mechanical damage.

Brisket has many functions. The main function of brisket is to provide strength by connecting various structures in the body. In addition, the brisket plays a role in the movement of the chest, allowing the muscles and respiratory organs to inhale and exhale.

The brisket area also performs many other important functions such as secreting hormones and