Neck area Lateral

The lateral neck region is an anatomical area on the side of the neck, located behind the collarbone and in front of the scapula. It is a continuation of the supraclavicular region and includes muscles and vessels that provide movement of the neck and head.

The lateral neck region has several important functions. It provides stability to the neck and head thanks to muscles such as the trapezius muscle, which keeps the head and neck upright. It is also involved in the movement of the neck, allowing you to tilt your head forward, backward, sideways and up.

The lateral neck area contains vessels such as the external jugular vein, which drains blood from the head and neck into the superior vena cava. Also located here are the lymph nodes, which participate in the body's immune system and protect it from infections.

To diagnose diseases of the lateral neck region, various methods can be used, such as ultrasound, MRI or CT. These methods allow you to assess the condition of the muscles, blood vessels and lymph nodes in this area.

Treatment of diseases of the lateral neck region may include conservative methods such as physiotherapy, massage, muscle stretching exercises and others. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove tumors or other growths.

Thus, the lateral neck region is an important anatomical region that allows movement of the neck and head, is involved in the immune system, and can be susceptible to various diseases. Diagnosis and treatment of these diseases require an integrated approach and may include both conservative and surgical methods.

The lateal region of the neck is an area of ​​anatomical space located between the upper and lower borders of the thyroid gland, extending beyond the clavicle and located on the lateral surface of the neck. This area includes muscles, ligaments, nerves and blood vessels, which play an important role in the normal functioning of the body.