Irradiation Rotational

Rotary irradiation (Rotational irradiation, Circular irradiation) is the process of uniform irradiation of X-ray film by moving the photographic paper around the patient during radiography.

Typically used for pictures of the chest, bones, and abdominal organs to make the detailed picture less painful for the patient. For example, in a 360-degree chest x-ray, the image may be taken entirely vertically or horizontally.

The use of rotary irradiation X-ray techniques helps reduce the radiation dose and study time. This means that radiography can be used in cases where standard horizontal or vertical examination cannot be performed. In addition, the rotational method allows for detailed examination of the chest and abdomen without the need for complex equipment or technology.

However, it is worth noting that for all its advantages, rotational irradiation of circular images can have a negative effect on the patient’s radiosensitive organs and tissues. Therefore, it is important to carry out X-ray examinations with caution and only as prescribed by a doctor.