Exemplary Sign

The Model Trait is a unique mechanism designed to measure changes in a person's state and behavior as a result of social media use. It is based on decision theory and allows you to assess how social networks affect a person's emotional state, behavior and social interaction.

This system was designed to study and understand the use of social networks, including the frequency and extent of human content consumption, emotional states, social interaction, etc. Obraztsova Pokazatsa is used to study the influence of social networks on a person’s personality, studying the emotions that people experience in social networks, the level of anxiety, stress and anxiety.

The system includes several elements, such as collecting data from social networks, processing the collected information and analyzing the research results. This information can then be used to create dashboards, charts and graphs to analyze its results.

Obraztsova Sign

Obraztsova Signs are an important tool for assessing a person’s health and well-being. These signs can help determine the presence of various diseases, disorders of the body, or even changes in psychological state.