Observatory Chamber

Unwelcoming in the ward is one of the most serious and dangerous problems in the world of psychiatry. Without a welcome, patients find themselves in a dangerous situation where they do not receive the care and attention they need, and therefore are at risk of becoming victims of their own health or harm to others. In such a situation, staff responsible for patient care become helpless because they do not know how to properly respond to aggression or the risk of serious injury.

The observation ward is a new solution that improves the living conditions of patients in psychiatric institutions without endangering staff and surrounding people. This new technique helps ensure constant monitoring of the patient to prevent possible situations of violence and aggression. Observation department - the ability to keep the patient in his own room in case of violent behavior. Such measures allow staff to call a team by phone

An observation ward (or safe ward) is a hospital ward used to house patients in a state of insanity. These patients may include people who harm themselves, pose a danger to others, or require additional care and emergency medical attention. Here is a short summary of the article that could reveal the topic and describe the principles of the institution’s work:

**Observation ward** is a special facility that provides medical services to patients with mental illness who pose a threat to themselves or others. The main activity of such a medical institution is the prevention of dangerous actions on the part of patients. Patients with various diseases that cause behavioral abnormalities, for example, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, personality disorder, or others, are placed in the observation ward. The main goal of the hospital is to protect patients from their actions and provide them with a calm treatment.

***How ​​does the Observation Chamber work?***

The patient enters the observation ward voluntarily or by decision of medical personnel in the event of a threat to his life and health. Patients are provided with round-the-clock medical care and social support. The staff observes patients, their emotional state and behavior, and interacts with them in a language they understand. An important aspect of the work of the observation ward is that each patient has the right to confidentiality and an individual treatment program. If required, the patient is provided with medications, psychological support and practical assistance.

Individuals who threaten physical harm or nearby personnel do not have to be placed in the observation room. It is more likely that those who actively express aggression towards others will end up in such an institution. In addition, the mental health service sees a number of cases where patients do not consider their anxiety to be dangerous – although clinically this may not be the case. This is called "misalignment" when people are conscious but express little common sense. Also, another point for observation may be extreme unproductivity in the treatment process - a person simply does not fully understand the recommendations coming from the attending physician. Observational patients are often kept in a closed ward where no one can be sure of anything except the closest relative and the psychiatrist. In this situation, the patient may be asked to implement social practices in order to more organically move away from the previous diagnosis. But much remains in question and may have