General discussion about diseases of the spleen

In the spleen arise all the mentioned varieties of diseases, diseases of nature, diseases of the combination of particles, blockages, discontinuities and the like, as well as tumors in all their forms. Know that if the spleen becomes fat, then the body becomes thin, for the spleen first greatly weakens the strength of the liver, opposing it, so that the generation of blood decreases, and at the same time draws in a lot of blood from such a patient due to its large size; in general, thinness of the spleen indicates a good state of the juices, and its fatness indicates a bad state. Sometimes diseases of the spleen lead to mixed fevers, and these very diseases also often arise due to such fevers; so they often arise as a result of a three-day unclean fever, from pestilence fevers and from mixed fevers; Most spleen diseases occur in autumn.

The complexion of a patient with a spleen is yellowish and somewhat blackish. Often diseases of the spleen spread to the stomach, and sometimes they increase appetite and sometimes destroy it. Often, when the time of digestion approaches, they are forced to vomit an acidic substance that makes the earth boil, after great suffering and pain. Bloody urine is a good sign at the end of spleen disease, as is thick urine with sticky sediment and urine with what appears to be blood clots. Sometimes bloody urine resolves a fever resulting from a disease of the spleen, and often the disease itself resolves.