General discussion of signs indicating different types of headaches

Headaches arising from such external causes as a blow, a fall, contact with hot or cold things, drying hot winds, a strong fragrant or fetid odor, retention of wind in the nose and ears are indicated by the presence of these causes. If they remain unnoticed, then we should turn to their consequences and draw conclusions from them in accordance with what we have outlined. A headache arising from weakness of the brain is indicated by excitement of the brain from the slightest cause; in this case, there is vagueness of sensations and disruption of brain activity. If a headache comes from the great sensitivity of the brain, then this is also recognized by the speed of response to the most insignificant phenomena felt by the brain, for example, sounds, smells, etc.; however, the sensations are sharp, the passages are clean and the brain activity is intact.

As for headaches from any cause related to matter, what is common to them is the presence of heaviness in the head and moisture in the nostrils. When the material is sharp, along with the heaviness, there is also redness of the face and heat, especially if the material is thick. Sometimes this is accompanied by beating in the blood vessels. The wetness of the nostrils is sometimes insignificant if the juices are thick, but dryness in the nostrils with such a headache does not serve as proof of the absence of matter if it is accompanied by heaviness in the head. A feature of the yellow-bilious matter is tingling, severe burning and tingling; with such matter it is felt more strongly than with any other. At the same time, there is also dryness in the nostrils, thirst, insomnia, yellow complexion; the severity is then less. A cold headache is indicated by a feeling of cold, persistent pain and a pale complexion. If the overflow of matter occurs from indigestion, then a sign of this is lack of appetite and lethargy. The moisture of the juices, whether cold or hot, is sometimes indicated by hibernation; mucous and black gall matter do not cause severe pain. In the presence of dry matter, the heaviness in the head is insignificant, but insomnia increases. Cold matter does not cause burning, but at the same time bad thoughts become more frequent and the complexion becomes pale.

They often make a conclusion about the presence of one or another juice based on the color of the face and eyes, but sometimes, in rare cases, a discrepancy arises here. The reason for this is that the flammable juice either rushes deep into the body or is locked there, or hot, but not cold, pain-causing juices are drawn into the area of ​​the eyes and face due to pain. The fact is that if pain occurs in any organ, it attracts juices to this organ and to nearby places. In this case, blood is more often attracted to the organ, but sometimes other juices are also attracted.

As for headaches arising from winds, then with such pain || heaviness in the head decreases, but distension increases. Sometimes there is a tingling sensation, sometimes something like corrosiveness; Wind headaches are not severe. Sometimes headaches arising from winds and fumes are indicated by noise and ringing in the ears. Often, with such a headache, the jugular veins swell greatly, and sometimes there is frequent movement, that is, the pain moves from place to place. If the amount of vapor increases, the painful beating in the arteries intensifies and the patient experiences evil visions; At the same time, there is dizziness and darkness in the eyes.

When a headache arises from simple disorders of nature, then its sign is the feeling of these disorders when

lack of heaviness and dryness in the nose. Dryness of the nostrils is a corresponding indication of this. In hot disorders of nature, the patient himself and the one who touches his head feel heat and burning. There is redness of the eyes, and the patient benefits from cooling medicines and cold. In cold disorders, the opposite is true. In the face of such patients, exhaustion and weight loss are not noticeable, the face does not turn red and the pain is not excessive, although constant. Dry disorder occurs after previous bowel movements, physical exercise, long periods of vigil, frequent copulation and care. This disorder usually worsens when any of the above circumstances reoccur.

As for the headache by association, it begins, stops, increases or decreases depending on whether the pain arises in the involved organ, stops, or increases or decreases. If the pain does not arise from complicity, then damage to various brain actions is observed, that is, darkening in the eyes, hibernation and constant heaviness in the head, while the condition of other organs is good. If damage, and severe damage at that, occurs in the membranes of the brain themselves, then this is indicated by the spread of pain to the base of the eyes. If there is damage in the outer shell or elsewhere, the pain does not reach the base of the eyes, and the scalp is painful to the touch. Headache with the involvement of the stomach manifests itself in melancholy and nausea, weakness or lack of appetite, poor or insufficient digestion, and even its complete cessation in the presence of signs preceding the disease. If the headache is caused by the effusion of bile into the stomach, then it intensifies with an empty stomach and after sleeping on an empty stomach. Sometimes a headache arises from some cause that is rooted in the brain and causes such phenomena and damage in the stomach. This is due to the complicity of the stomach in the disease of the brain, and not because the disease began in the stomach and the brain is complicit with the stomach. In such cases you must firmly establish and recognize the condition of each of these two organs as such and distinguish previous injuries from subsequent ones.

Signs indicating damage specifically in the stomach include differences in the patient’s condition during digestion of food and at other times, as well as with an empty and full stomach. If pain in the stomach arises from yellow bile, it rises when the stomach is empty, and if its cause is cold juice, then when the stomach is empty it decreases and hunger soothes it. Sometimes hunger excites couples and causes suffering, but in this case, eating for the most part does not completely calm the pain, however, it happens that the pain calms down, although this happens rarely. The distinctive feature here is burning, burning and belching; in your place you will know what the belching indicates. These two cases can also be distinguished by other signs, which we will mention in the part about the stomach. The complicity of the stomach is sometimes indicated by the quality of what comes out when vomiting; a sign of complicity is also the difference in the strength of the headache in accordance with the difference in the food entering the stomach. For many people, bile is poured into the stomach periodically. If their headache calms down when they eat something, then it arose due to the complicity of the stomach; she also calms down if they vomit bile, and this also serves as a sign of complicity of the stomach. Complicity is often inferred based on the location of the pain. Headache due to the complicity of the stomach in most cases begins in the front of the crown, and sometimes it deviates to the middle of the crown and then goes down. If the headache arises from the liver, then it deviates to the right side, and if it arises from the spleen, then it deviates to the left. If the headache occurs due to the involvement of the abdominal walls, then it deviates strongly forward, but if its cause is rooted in the uterus, then the pain is felt in the middle of the crown and in most cases occurs after childbirth, miscarriage, delayed menstruation or a decrease in their number. As for the signs of headache, which, according to the Indian, arises from worms, then there is a feeling of strong corrosion, bad breath, the headache intensifies when moving and calms it down when immobile.

The headache, arising from the kidneys and organs of the spine, deviates strongly backwards. Headache, caused by the complicity of pain in other organs, appears when these pains arise and intensify; headaches during fevers and crises occur when they occur and calm down and weaken with their calm and weakening. This type of headache is sometimes indicated by colorless urine  during high fever; this happens | due to the diversion of bile juices upward. Often, diluting substances are the cause of headaches, because they open the way for vapors to the brain, even if these substances are not hot, such as, for example, shikanjubin. This happens, for example, with migraine. A mild food regimen is harmful for those who have a headache that requires treatment with rough food due to bile. Sometimes the headache increases on its own due to increased suffering, because the strength of the pain as such causes its aggravation