General discussion about yellow gall fever

There are three types of yellow gall fever: three-day periodic, three-day continuous and burning. Three-day bile is either pure, and it arises from pure yellow bile, or unclean, and then it occurs from the decay of yellow bile, thick in substance, due to the combination of yellow bile with mucus, leading to a unifying mixture. In this way, the unclean three-day fever differs from the half-three-day fever, for the half-three-day fever is caused by two separate varieties of matter, and the unclean three-day fever is caused by one matter mixed in its essence; something cold is mixed into its vapors, making it difficult for them to rot, dissipate and ripen. Therefore, with a half-three-day fever there are two attacks, and with an unclean three-day fever there is one attack. This unclean fever often lasts a long time, and sometimes it leads to swelling and enlargement of the spleen.

As for burning fever, it belongs to the inexorable family, but the change in its intensification and relief is imperceptible. The manifestations of this fever are strong, and its cause is the severity and abundance of matter. The fact is that its matter is located near the heart and in the vessels of the mouth of the stomach and, especially, in the region of the liver and in general near the noble organs located near the heart, while with a three-day fever the bile is in the meat and in the skin, and with persistent fever it is scattered through the vessels of the body located far from the heart. Severe thirst, melancholy, anxiety, insomnia, delirium, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, pimples and cracked lips and headache often occur with yellow gall fevers. The nature of most of them is dry, since the matter moves either to the upper parts of the body or to the outer surface of the body and skin.