Common medicines for poisons

These medicines are those that counteract the poison and prevent it from reaching the heart. These are, for example, teryak, mithridat, tested badzahras, printed clay and teryak prepared from it, as well as teryak from four medicines. It is said that the flowers and leaves of the oleander get rid of poison and that the juniper berries are remarkable in this regard and have no equal.

They also take stinking ferula and its root, in equal quantities - one dirham and Armenian wormwood - two dirhams, mix it with honey and give the medicine prepared from it to drink in apple juice, it is excellent. The roots of bakhur maryam are good if you drink them with wine, mint and turnip seed, two dirhams with wine, adiantum, mallow, its seeds and soup from it, or two ukiyah of Chinese cinnamon with hare bone marrow in wine vinegar, or beaver stream - one mithqal with two uqiyas of olive oil and yarrow. They also take the squeezed juice of Tribulus and give it to drink, or the seeds of carrots, especially the Celtic one, as well as asafoetida, or a decoction of Dubrovnik, a decoction of the tortuous gill, and the seeds of the sagapena tree work very well.

Complex medicine. They take wild sagapen, beaver stream, reed leaves - one part each, and coloquinte pulp - three times as much as everything else, and give this to a large bunduk to drink. Among the things whose effects are attributed to their special properties against poisons, they speak, for example, of dried wild weasel meat, peeled and skinned, which supposedly belongs to the strongest medicines for protection against poisons.