Air Purifier-Ionizer Ovion-S

Air purifier-ionizers are household devices for disinfecting and purifying air in residential, working and medical premises. The use of ionizers is most important during epidemics, but in other periods it will not hurt to maintain a healthy climate in the house.

Ionizers provide the simplest, most effective and environmentally friendly way to disinfect and ventilate a room. They purify the air from aerosol particles, allergens, industrial pollution and unpleasant odors, increase the content of negative air ions (O2), reduce the concentration of ammonia, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide and other harmful substances, and also neutralize residual radiation from fluorescent materials that penetrate the human body through the skin.

OVION-S is a purifier-ionizer of a new generation using new highly effective functions: - neutralizes gamma radiation, - reduces electrostatic voltage - eliminates unpleasant odors - saturates the air with negative oxygen aeroions - activates the immune system - neutralizes radiation from household appliances. Ions remove dust, household dust, fungal spores, harmful gases, microbes, mold viruses, tobacco smoke, various allergens, and household additives from the air. The filtration of high efficiency filters significantly increases the efficiency of ionization. An analogue of a natural forest is created - thanks to ionization, which has the function of biological regeneration and improvement of the air environment. In addition, neutralization of gamma radiation makes it possible to reduce the negative impact of environmental ecologies on humans. Under the influence of negatively charged air ions and ultrasound, dust, pet hair, hair, pollen and weed spores, house dust, bacteria and pollen viruses that enter the house from the outside through windows, doors and ventilation holes are attracted to the metal body of the devices. Ionizers leave dust on the walls of devices and do not allow it to reappear in the room, while simultaneously removing unpleasant odors. Thanks to the light and pleasant aroma of herbs, the device activates the immune system and restores the body's protective functions. A slow-acting field of positively charged ions helps normalize the functioning of the circulatory system, respiratory and heart organs and restore vital functions.