
Country of origin: Switzerland

Pharm-Group: Hemostatic agents of different groups

Manufacturers: Octapharma AG (Switzerland)

International name: Blood clotting factor VIII

Synonyms: Actif VIII-Antihemophilic factor, Hemoctin SDT, Hemophil M, Immunat, Cohenate FS, Coate-DVI, Coate-NR, Cryobulin TIM 3 (Human Factor VIII concentrated), Cryoprecipitate, Cryoprecipitate dry, Cryostat SD-2, Monoclat-P , Octanate, Recombinant, Uman

Dosage forms:

  1. lyophilized powder for the preparation of injection solution 250ME
  2. lyophilized powder for the preparation of injection solution 500ME
  3. lyophilized powder for the preparation of injection solution 1000IU