One-day fever of grief

Sometimes, from the movement of pneuma inward and its retention inside due to very strong grief, pneuma fever occurs.

Its signs are fiery and such pungency of urine that the patient even feels it due to the dominance of dryness. The eyelids tend to close; Due to the dispersion of the pneuma, the eyes are sunken and often motionless from weakness. The face is yellowish due to the warmth going deeper, and the pulse is somewhat small and weak; sometimes it gets a little hard.

Treatment. The patient should take a bath frequently; when bathing in a bathhouse, let him try to sit more in the water than in the air of the bathhouse, and then do generous rubbing, because oil is healthier for him than a bathhouse. He should entertain himself with amusements and use cold incense, and let his chest be anointed with cooling ointments from mucus, squeezed juices and fragrant infusions and given him highly diluted wine - this is the most excellent medicine for such patients.