
Dental and oral diseases are among the most common health problems in the modern world. One of these diseases is odontalgia. This is a term that means constant or intermittent severe toothache. Odontalgia is also called toothache or “toothache.”

Toothache can be caused by various reasons, such as caries, trauma, gum disease, gum inflammation, and nerve disease in the tooth. Some people suffer from toothache all the time, while others experience it occasionally. However, regardless of the cause of toothache, it is always a painful condition that interferes with normal life and causes discomfort.

Treating toothache can be quite complicated. If you have a toothache, you should consult a dentist. After examination and diagnosis, the doctor can determine the cause of the toothache and suggest appropriate treatment measures. In some cases, tooth extraction may be necessary, as with cellulitis

Odontalgia is all types of pain that occur in the area of ​​the tooth and its periodontal tissues.

The disease is characterized by the presence of regular toothache. However, to use the term as a diagnosis, diagnosis is necessary. From the point of view of diagnosis and detection, the main criterion is the presence of at least one of the above symptoms. The diagnosis is made based on the indication of the type and area of ​​pain in the event of unpleasant or painful sensations during swallowing, applying pressure to the tooth, palpation of the gums, innervation of the periodontium or pulp on one jaw or both, in all places where pain is observed.