Vodovozov ophthalmochromoscope

Vodovozov ophthalmochromoscopes are specialized devices that allow you to quickly and accurately determine the presence of eye pathologies. The basis of ophthalmic observations is color vision and stereoscopic vision. Color vision allows you to distinguish shades of color and brightness of light. It is this ability of the visual analyzer that plays an important role in the diagnosis of ophthalmological diseases. Stereoscopic vision (the ability to perceive the depth of space) allows you to recognize ocular neoplasms, measure the size of the transparent structures of the eye, and give an opinion about the condition of the vitreous body of the patient’s eye.

The ophthalmochromoscope device is based on the use of neutral filters through which optical rays pass. One of the best devices of this type is called the A.P. ophthalmochromoscopic apparatus. Filatova - voskovozova. When passing through it, the colored rays of the spectrum mix and become white if they do not overlap each other. However, if the colored rays overlap, the white light goes to the side. When performing a visual examination of the eyes

Vodovozova's ophthalmochromoscope. How does he work?

**Ophthalmochromoscopy** is a method for diagnosing eye diseases using color filters and a special ophthalmic mirror. This method is used not only to identify visual defects, but also to assess the general condition of the visual apparatus of the eye. An ophthalmoscope is not included in the list of mandatory medical instruments. But this does not mean that visits to the ophthalmologist can be avoided.

Ophthalmochromoscopy is a technique for visual examination of the fundus of the eye to determine the nature of the lesion and the location of the organ of vision. The study is carried out by an ophthalmochromoscopist using a specialized device - an ophthalmochromoscope.

The most commonly used is ophthalmochromoscopy using special solutions for staining the retina. This solution is used to treat the carrier tissue, which is placed along the periphery of the eye cornea to prevent the paint from being washed off. A special liquid remains between the upper surface of the cornea and the carrier tissue until the end of the study, allowing you to obtain the most complete information about the condition of the retina and other layers of the eyeball. The patient can also make controlled movements with their eyes towards moving spots of light. This helps to evaluate the refraction of his eyeballs in more detail. This type of ophthalmoscopy is a valuable addition to standard diagnostic methods and improves the treatment process for people with glaucoma and lens dystrophy.

Staining the carrier tissue makes it possible to partially compensate for the specificity of limited visibility during direct examination of the fundus. Other reasons