
Oxazyl: a cholinesterase inhibitor for the treatment of myasthenia gravis and other diseases

Oxazyl (ambenonium chloride) is a pharmacological agent from the group of cholinesterase inhibitors that is used to treat myasthenia gravis and other neurological diseases.

Myasthenia gravis is a disease that leads to muscle weakness and fatigue. It is associated with a disruption in the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles, which leads to their weakening. Oxazyl works by increasing the amount of available acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction, which improves the transmission of nerve impulses and reduces the symptoms of myasthenia gravis.

Oxazil can also be used to treat other diseases associated with impaired transmission of nerve impulses, such as botulism, parkinsonism, dysarthria, etc.

The dosage and use of Oxazil should only be prescribed by a qualified physician. The usual starting dose is 5 mg, which can be gradually increased to the optimal dose depending on the effectiveness and tolerability of the drug.

Although Oxazil is generally well tolerated, side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache and depression are possible. In addition, Oxazil may interact with other medications, so you should tell your doctor about all medications you are taking.

In general, Oxazil is an effective treatment for myasthenia gravis and other neurological diseases associated with impaired transmission of nerve impulses. However, before starting treatment, you should always consult your doctor and strictly follow the dosage and use recommendations.