Oligophrenia Paranatal

What is oligophrenia and who can suffer from it? The psychiatric term oligophrenia usually refers to various anomalies of psycho-emotional development that can develop in children due to genetic and structural pathologies of the brain. Also, when examining children with mental retardation, congenital abnormalities and chromosomal abnormalities can be identified. Most often, girls are found to have oligophrenic characteristics, while boys are more resistant to these diagnoses. As a result of research, it was revealed that a hereditary predisposition to this disease causes a low level of androgen hormones, which regulate various processes in the human brain. Simultaneously in

Paranatal oligophrenia: understanding and problems

Paranatal oligophrenia, also known as perinatal oligophrenia, is a condition characterized by a disorder of mental development in a person that occurs before and during childbirth. It is a serious mental disorder that can have a significant impact on the life of the person and their loved ones.

Paranatal oligophrenia is the result of various factors that affect the fetus during pregnancy or childbirth. These factors may be due to genetic abnormalities, infections, injuries, lack of oxygen, or other problems that occur during pregnancy or childbirth. It is important to note that paranatal mental retardation can have varying degrees of severity, from mild to severe.

One of the main characteristics of paranatal oligophrenia is mental retardation. People suffering from this disorder may have difficulty learning, adapting socially, and performing everyday tasks. They may have limited communication skills, memory and cognitive problems, and lack of attention and concentration.

Paranatal mental retardation may also be accompanied by other related problems such as epilepsy, behavioral disorders and physical limitations. This makes it a multifaceted and complex disorder that requires an integrated and individualized approach to treatment and support.

People with mental retardation and their families face many problems and challenges in everyday life. They need specialized medical care, rehabilitation programs and psychosocial support. Educational institutions and society as a whole must also provide an inclusive environment and support for people with mental retardation so that they can achieve their maximum potential and participate in society.

It is important to note that paranatal oligophrenia is not a death sentence. With suitable support, early diagnosis and rehabilitation measures, people with this disorder can improve their skills and quality of life. In addition, research and development in medicine and psychology continues, and it is hoped that in the future more effective treatments and support will be developed for people with mental retardation.

In conclusion, paranatal mental retardation is a complex mental disorder that affects the mental development of a person in the period before and during childbirth. It can have varying degrees of severity and be accompanied by other problems. People with mental retardation and their families need specialized medical and psychosocial care. Despite the difficulties, with suitable support and rehabilitation, people with mental retardation can improve their skills and quality of life. Through research and development, more effective treatments and support for this disorder are expected to be developed in the future.