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Turunda is a medical term used to refer to a dressing made from gauze or cotton. This material is used to treat wounds, cuts and other skin injuries.

Turunda is made by wrapping gauze or cotton wool around a rod and then cutting it into strips of a certain length. This production method allows us to obtain a material with uniform thickness and good absorbency.

In medicine, turunda is used to bandage wounds, stop bleeding and reduce pain. It can also be used to secure bandages and compresses.

It is important to note that turunda is not a sterile material, so it must be treated with an antiseptic before use. In addition, turunda may cause allergic reactions in some people, so a sensitivity test must be performed before using it.

Despite the fact that turunda is a fairly simple material, it can be very useful in medical practice. Its availability and low cost make it one of the most popular dressing materials in the world.

Turundas are thin cotton or gauze “heads” that are filled with medicine. They are used as applications in physiotherapy. Can be used to treat various diseases: pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsillitis, inflammatory diseases of the liver and kidneys. Turundas also help get rid of sun and thermal burns.

The healing properties of turunda are due to the effect of its components on the body - medical gauze or cotton wool.

Turunda is a popular item in the first aid kit. It is indicated for a runny nose and nasal congestion, sinusitis, sore throat and other diseases of the ENT organs, and