On Ultrasonic Wave

Accurate diagnosis if various pathologies are suspected. 3D echography allows you to get a three-dimensional image of the baby and its organs, which can be very useful for doctors and parents, especially when it comes to complex developmental anomalies.

Ultrasound diagnostics during pregnancy

Ultrasound diagnostics is one of the most important methods of examining a pregnant woman. Using ultrasound, the doctor can assess the condition of the fetus, determine its gender, gestational age, check for pathologies and much more. In addition, ultrasound diagnostics allows you to assess the condition of the uterus and appendages, which can be important for identifying various diseases.

Even though ultrasound is considered safe for pregnant women and their babies, some people still worry about possible negative effects. However, studies have shown that ultrasonic waves do not have any harmful effects on the health of mother and child if they are used as recommended by a doctor.

When is an ultrasound performed during pregnancy?

Your doctor may order an ultrasound at any time during your pregnancy, depending on what you need to check. In the early stages, when the fetus is still small, an ultrasound can be performed to check the presence of an embryo in the uterus and exclude an ectopic pregnancy. At later stages, ultrasound can be used to check for pathologies and assess the growth and development of the baby.

How to prepare for an ultrasound?

Preparation for an ultrasound depends on which method of examination will be used. If you are having a transabdominal ultrasound, you may need to drink plenty of water before the procedure. If the transvaginal method is used, the specialist will usually tell you how to properly prepare for the procedure. For example, you may need to empty your bladder before a transvaginal ultrasound.


Ultrasound diagnostics is a very important examination method for pregnant women. It allows doctors to assess the baby’s condition and identify possible pathologies. Even though ultrasound is considered safe, you should follow your doctor's recommendations and not worry about the procedure. After all, the main thing is that it helps to monitor the health of the unborn baby and gives the opportunity to see his first shots of life.