
Oncogenic is a term that describes substances, organisms, or environmental factors that can cause the development of cancer in humans. Oncogenic agents can be either viruses or other factors such as radiation or chemicals.

Viruses that are oncogenic include papovaviruses, retroviruses, and some types of adenoviruses. They can enter the body's cells and cause changes in the genetic material, which can lead to the development of a tumor.

Additionally, some chemicals such as asbestos, arsenic and benzene can also be carcinogenic. Radiation, in turn, can cause cancer of the skin, lungs and other organs.

It is important to note that not all oncogenic agents cause cancer in all people. Risk factors for developing cancer include age, gender, genetic factors, lifestyle and environment.

Oncogenic agents are a serious problem for human health and require attention and prevention. To do this, you need to conduct regular medical examinations and monitor your lifestyle, including healthy eating, physical activity and giving up bad habits.

Oncogene is a word that describes substances, organisms, or environmental factors that cause tumors to form in humans. Oncogenic viruses may include papovaviruses, retroviruses, and some types of adenoviruses. Other examples include herpes viruses, Epstein-Barr virus, and others.

Oncogenic viruses are infections that cause cancer. They can be transmitted through blood, saliva or other body fluids. These viruses can cause various types of cancer, including blood cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer and others.

Oncogenic elements cause cancer in the human body. They can be expressed as a substance, an organism or an environmental factor.

One of the most common types of oncogenic elements are viruses. Papovaviruses and retroviruses are the two types of viruses most often associated with cancer.

Papovaviruses are a group of viruses that do not have an envelope and do not have a standard size or shape. Some strains of papillomavirus can cause cancer of the larynx, head and neck, while others can cause cancer of the cervix, vulva and vagina.

Retroviruses belong to the family of retrograde viruses. They constitute a large group of influenza viruses that infect human cells. Some are caused by herpes viruses, which can be transmitted from person to person. The herpes virus can cause many different illnesses, including genital sores, fever, skin irritations, and cancer of the brain, lungs, and throat.

Another type of virus that causes malignancy is adenovirus. Some types of adenovirus cause sarcomas in the scrotum. Renal and adrenal sarcomas are caused by other types of adenovirus.

However, not only viral infections can lead to the development of cancer. Environmental factors can also be oncogenic. For example, cigarette smoking is one of the most well-known carcinogenic factors leading to lung cancer. The influence of radiation, ultraviolet radiation and chemical pollution on the development of cancer is also widely known.