
Oncology is the medical science that studies the formation of malignant tumors, the mechanisms of their development and methods of combating them. This is not just a word, but a disease that can overtake anyone. This disease is insidious, very often it develops in such a way that we find out about it when it’s already too late, and we have to drink handfuls of painkillers and put on IVs to “drown the pain.” Cancer can destroy the entire human being, leaving him with nothing but pain. Oncology as a diagnosis poses a whole range of new challenges for the doctor and the patient. Cancer cells leave no room for compromise. Metastasis in cancer is almost always inevitable. In response, oncologists are constantly searching for new treatment methods, of which chemotherapy is the most effective. When choosing its tactics, many factors must be taken into account: all cancer diseases are unique, but there are general principles of approach in the treatment of patients with cancer, therefore experienced oncologists usually combine from 2 to 4 or more chemotherapy regimens. And also the choice of drug depends on many factors, the main thing is the accurate determination of the tumor group. So the drugs can be associated with antidepressants, the treatment of which is carried out regularly and is safe for the patient. To cover the topic in more detail, I will provide a comparison of two groups of oncological diseases according to the degree of effectiveness of the impact.