Onychia Psoriatic

Onychia psoriatica is an inflammation of the nail plate associated with psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic disease that affects the skin and is accompanied by various symptoms, including itching, flaking and red patches. However, onychia is one of the most characteristic symptoms of this disease.

Onychia psoriatic can occur either alone or in combination with other symptoms of psoriasis. It manifests itself in the form of white spots, peeling and thickening of the nails, which can lead to their deformation and destruction. If onychia is left untreated, it can develop into psoriatic arthritis - a chronic inflammation of the joints, which can also be accompanied by pain and

Nail psoriasis is one of the types of epidermotropic psoriasis, in which there is damage to the nail plates due to various reasons. Skin manifestations of psoriatic disease are considered to be typical papules and plaques, and o. psor. is a characteristic manifestation of damage to the nail plates.