
Onychosis is a chronic and quite dangerous disease, or rather damage to the nail plates. With this disease, nail plate fungus with hyperkeratosis (onychomycosis) very often occurs. There is also such a thing as onychodystrophy, which is a nutritional disorder of the nail epithelium. The disease can affect not only the fingernails and toenails, but also nails on other parts of the body.

Etiology: the causes of the disease are generally varied and extremely complex and in many cases are still ongoing. These include influencing factors such as external (environmental pollution, social living conditions), internal (metabolic factors in the human body) and genetic factors. In addition, the cause may be diseases of the digestive system, heredity and a violation of the body’s immune system. Certain disorders in the patient can cause other skin diseases, such as psoriasis, eczema, mycoses and many others.

Some people may be at risk for the disease or its recurrence. Various factors can cause onychiosis in humans, such as work in chemical industries, allergies to antifungal drugs, work closely related to water, growth, aging, the manifestation of certain infectious diseases such as infectious mononucleosis, immune dysfunction, decreased immunity and others. The cause of the disease still cannot be determined. Currently, most scientific works devoted to this problem determine various versions of genetic predisposition, the presence of a particular gene in our DNA that is responsible for the health of cells. Also, the infectious nature of onychiosis is not denied. The combination of these factors often causes a certain stage of the disease on the nails. Klee