Operation Purulent

**Purulent operation** is a surgical intervention for diseases caused by mixed flora. The microbial landscape includes both pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. They all participate in the defeat. The former cause purulent processes, and the latter become their cause.

List of diseases that may be accompanied by the “purulent operation” syndrome: \- panaritium; \ - furunculosis; \- inflammation of the wound; \-\- wound abscess;

The difficulties of treating purulent wounds depend on the type of disease. It can develop in a complex way (with tissue impregnation with pus, necrosis, melting), or in a simple way (without necrotic changes). A simple complication can occur in patients with a viral infection complicated by the addition of a microbial infection. The deeper the skin area is affected, the more complications may arise. If symptoms of “purulent inflammation” appear, you should immediately seek help from a medical facility. Self-medication usually aggravates the problem, leading to the spread of putrefactive processes involving surrounding tissues and the formation of new pockets with pus. This causes acute pain, so worsening the condition is a reason to consult a doctor. Otherwise, secondary infection may result in sepsis. To avoid purulent infection, it is enough to promptly treat any microtrauma with antiseptics and protect open areas from damaging factors. For this purpose, doctors prescribe local antiseptic treatment (Miramistin and Chlorhexidine), Lekop linement, Fucidin and Eplan ointments and others. The deadlines for completing appointments are set by a skin disease specialist. If necessary