Opium addiction

Opioid addiction or opioid addiction is a condition in which the addict experiences a strong desire to use drugs that have a narcotic effect. One of the most common drugs that cause opioid addiction is opium or heroin. With opioid addiction, a person begins to experience the physical symptoms that come with using the drug, such as an intense euphoric effect and a feeling of relaxation. Over time, drug use becomes necessary to maintain these symptoms, causing the addict to experience severe

Opium mania is a disease in which addiction to opium occurs. People prone to opium addiction are called opium addicts. They constantly take opium or similar medications.

Most opium addicts require constant use of pills. But there are some opiates who drink only certain days so as not to overdo it. This is hellish torment. During different periods of treatment, mania may manifest itself in different ways. Although opium addiction is considered one of the most severe forms of drug addiction, it is often confused with addiction such as mekonymia. The drugs may vary. People also use dubious capsules, even if they are made by the addict himself. Some opium addicts create their own pill recipes and use them only they know when exactly to take them and in what proportions. You can guess that the technology is unknown to society.