Oppel Symptom

The method for examining the bile ducts if their obstruction is suspected is the so-called Dempaldone's symptom (Oppel's symptom). This symptom consists of the skin in the facial area turning yellow when straining or coughing. During the manipulation, a thin flexible metal tube (duodenoscope) is inserted into the intestinal lumen, which allows you to examine both the gallbladder and the bile ducts. . In this case, all the doctor’s efforts are aimed at ensuring that the bile passes from the gallbladder into the duct.

Thus, if the bile ducts are narrowed or blocked, intense pain and bitterness in the mouth may appear during the examination. Sometimes, in order to release bile into the duct and not miss an attack of biliary colic, the doctor takes an atropine solution. So, don't flatter yourself. The doctor knows what he is doing, examining you using special instruments. Here