Ansell's tumor

Anselo-epidelomyelogryposis tumor - tumors arising from the epithelium of hair follicles of the skin, refers to mammary-sebaceous or mixed tumors. Like all tumors of the reproductive tract, tumors of this group are different in structure and differ from those of the gastrointestinal tract in their cytological picture and growth pattern. In women, in addition to the epidermis, skin appendages are involved in the focus of the neoplasm, therefore the lesion cavity in these cases of an inflammatory nature is filled with areas of reticulinofibrosis, island erythema, and hemispherical tubercles. The shade of the tumor can be sharply red, darkish red, brownish-gray and grayish. The surface of the tumor is often dirty gray in color with yellow-brown pleurae covered with crusts. On the sides of the tumor, the skin is thickened in the form of folds. Sometimes holes are visible on the surface of the tumor