Phantom Tumor

Phantom Tumour is a swelling that occurs in the abdomen or in any other part of the human body, caused by local muscle contraction or accumulation of gases, which in appearance resembles a tumor or some other structural change in tissue. This condition is usually accompanied by various emotional disorders, and the disappearance of the “tumor” usually occurs under the influence of anesthesia.

False tumors often occur in patients with psychosomatic illnesses and can mimic the symptoms of real tumors. However, unlike real tumors, they are not reflected in the examination results and disappear without a trace.

The causes of false tumors are not fully understood, but it is assumed that they may be associated with disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. To eliminate this condition, comprehensive treatment is important, including psychotherapy and correction of emotional disorders.

Phantom Tumour is a swelling that occurs in the abdomen or in any other part of the human body, caused by local muscle contraction or accumulation of gases. In appearance, it resembles a tumor or some other structural change in tissue.

This condition is usually accompanied by various emotional disorders. The disappearance of the “tumor” usually occurs under the influence of anesthesia. Thus, a false tumor is not a real disease, but is a psychosomatic disorder. The causes of its occurrence are associated with emotional stress and anxiety. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the psychological problems that caused this symptom.

A “false tumor” or phantom tumor is a collection of gases or local muscle spasm. Based on the external sign of such localization, the taste of tumor formation or other structural changes in tissue appears. Such a tumor brings with it mixed emotions. Due to the presence of various disorders of the patient's emotional states, which may make it seem that the diagnosis is correct. The problem is caused by the difficulty of studying such a condition. It actually cannot be treated. To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination, measure intra-abdominal pressure, and examine the abdomen. Afterwards, a decision is made about the appropriateness of treatment or refusal. Avoiding recommended treatment will help minimize the risk of complications. The problem is more complex than

Phantom tumors are rare medical conditions that may be associated with changes in the lymphatic system and endocrine organs. Most often this happens during embryonic development. This is almost always due to a violation of lymph outflow, which can occur for various reasons. This pathology is usually asymptomatic until the need arises to remove the tumor. However, there are also more severe cases when the tumor formation becomes inflamed, suppurates, or even grows asymmetrically over time.

It is known that false tumors are benign formations. Today, about two hundred diseases are known, one of the symptoms of which is a false tumor. Among them are hypothyroidism, breast cancer, intrarectal resection of the prostate gland, malignant melanoma and others. Some tumors can grow rapidly, so it is important to pay attention to your condition and see a doctor as soon as possible. But there are cases in which diagnostics do not help establish a true diagnosis, other than “the tumor is false.” Osteochondrosis, psychosomatic diseases are other causes of this phenomenon. As a rule, a false tumor can be differentiated only after histology.

The danger of tumor formations is that they can lead to oncological degeneration. Often all this happens completely by accident, and as a result the long-sought problem is eliminated. A false tumor is a tumor that “has not become” a tumor - it will never hurt, will not increase in size, and, moreover, will not transform into a malignant formation.