Tumor in the lungs

Sometimes a hard tumor forms in the lungs. This is indicated by tightness of breathing, and that the swelling increases over the days, with heaviness, scarcity of sputum, a very dry and frequent cough, which sometimes becomes lighter at times, as well as slight heat in the chest.

Sometimes a loose tumor forms in the lungs. This is indicated by tightness of breathing with copious phlegm and moisture in the chest. The heat is slight and the face is not red, but, on the contrary, leaden.

Sometimes pimples appear in the lungs. This is indicated by a feeling of heaviness, tightness of breathing with its speed and frequency, as well as heat and burning in the chest in the absence of a general fever.

Sometimes watery moisture accumulates in the chest. This is indicated by a feeling of heat, low fever, swelling of the extremities, respiratory distress, thin, watery sputum and a condition similar to dropsy.

The signs of this are a low fever, a beating in the middle of the back and pain, for the tube is not like a lung and is not devoid of sensitivity, but the pain is slight. Along with this, itching of the skin and hoarseness of the voice are observed. If the tumor is ulcerated, the patient's breath has a fishy smell and scanty sputum is produced.