Resident Clinical

Residents are doctors who undergo a 2-year training program at clinics and departments of city hospitals. They receive specialized training in the medical field and participate in practical work as physician assistants.

Residents are trained by experienced physicians and gain the knowledge and skills necessary to work in the medical field. Over the course of 2 years, they study various aspects of medicine, including diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases.

One of the main goals of training residents is to prepare them to work independently as a doctor. They learn to make decisions, conduct consultations and prescribe treatment. They also get the opportunity to work with a variety of patients, which helps them develop their skills and knowledge.

Resident training takes place in a variety of medical settings such as hospitals, clinics, and medical centers. They can work under the guidance of experienced doctors or see patients independently.

As a result of training, residents gain not only knowledge and skills, but also experience working in a medical environment. They become more confident and competent doctors, ready to work in practice.

Thus, residents are an important link in the healthcare system, as they help develop medical science and improve the quality of medical care.

Chapter 33. Clinical residency

A residency program is a training organization dedicated to training in the medical field. The training is aimed at obtaining professional knowledge and skills necessary for the work of a doctor. The duration of the course is from 1 to 3 years depending on the specialization. 1. Who is accepted into residency?

- to universities on the basis of a bachelor's degree - a graduate of a residency at another university - who has a specialist certificate, but has not received specialized training 2. Is it necessary to obtain a higher education

If an applicant to residency already has a higher medical degree, then it is enough to obtain a specialization. But if not, then you will have to get a bachelor's degree or specialty. 3. From what course can I enter residency?

There is a choice here: - From any - from the third - from the fourth - from the fifth (if you were trained abroad) 4. When