
Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with correcting the position of teeth, as well as preventing and preventing malocclusions and dentofacial deformities. Orthodontic braces are one of the most common malocclusion methods used to correct misaligned teeth.

Orthodontic braces are thin metal structures that are placed on the patient's teeth. They can be made from various materials such as titanium, nickel-titanium alloys or gold. An orthodontic brace can be placed on one or more teeth, depending on the specific situation.

The process of installing an orthodontic brace usually takes about two weeks, during which the patient must adhere to certain dietary and oral hygiene restrictions. After receiving braces, the patient may notice some changes in their bite, such as larger or smaller spaces between teeth.

However, orthodontic braces are not the only method for correcting malocclusion. There are many other methods such as braces, mouth guards, surgical procedures, etc. The choice of method depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the degree of malocclusion.

In general, orthodontics is an important branch of dentistry that allows you to correct and prevent violations of the position of teeth and bite. It can be used on both adults and children and is an important tool in creating a beautiful, healthy smile.

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the correction and prevention of irregularities in the position of teeth and bite. An orthodontic brace is a special device that is used to correct misaligned teeth.

Orthodontics includes several methods of correcting the bite, such as braces, mouth guards, surgery and others. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of method depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Braces are metal brackets that are attached to the teeth and move them into the desired position. They can be installed on both the upper and lower jaw, depending on the need. Braces can be used to correct a variety of malocclusions, including crowded teeth, crossbites, and misaligned teeth.

Mouthguards are transparent plastic covers that are also used to correct malocclusion. They are applied to the teeth at night and can be used both to correct the position of the teeth and to prevent anomalies.

Surgery is a last resort and should only be used in cases of severe malocclusion. Surgical methods include tooth extraction, tooth relocation, and other surgeries.

The choice of bite correction method depends on many factors, such as the patient’s age, the condition of his teeth and gums, as well as financial capabilities. It is important to contact an experienced orthodontist who can help you choose the most appropriate method for your particular case.

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the correction and prevention of dental misalignments, as well as the correction of abnormal bites in the maxillofacial area. This area of ​​medicine is designed to solve a wide range of problems that relate to the health of the teeth and the position of the patient’s jaws. Orthodontics deals not only with the installation and correction of incorrectly positioned teeth, but also with prevention and preventive therapy, such as a balanced diet, oral hygiene training, and fixation of crowns.

So, in order to maintain the health of the oral cavity (in particular, the dentition), it is necessary to regularly visit the dentist. Necessary measures are professional dental and oral hygiene. Professional oral cleaning is a set of preventive measures and procedures aimed at eliminating foci of inflammation and additional formation of plaque in hard-to-reach areas of the tooth enamel. It is performed by highly qualified personnel - a hygienist or a dental therapist. In addition to instrumental cleansing, the dentist evaluates the hygienic condition of the oral cavity and gives individual recommendations for care.