
Orthophoria: Basics and Meaning

Orthophoria, derived from the Greek word "phoros" (bearing) and the prefix "ortho-" (straight), is a condition of the eyes in which they are in an upright position and both point at exactly the same point in space. In other words, orthophoria means the absence of strabismus or dysbinocular vision.

Strabismus, or squint, is a condition in which the eyes do not look in the same direction. This can manifest as a convergent or divergent gaze. Unlike strabismus, with orthophoria, both eyes look at the same point, allowing the person to have binocular vision and perceive depth and spatial perspective.

Orthophoria is a desirable eye condition and plays an important role in visual function. When the eyes are in orthophoria, they can work in sync and focus accurately on an object, providing clear and precise vision. This is especially important when performing tasks that require accurate distance estimation, such as driving, reading, or playing sports.

However, orthophoria is not a universal condition for all people. Many people have some degree of hidden strabismus, which may not be noticeable to themselves or others. This may manifest as subjective sensations of eye fatigue, headaches, or difficulty reading or delays in the development of reading skills in children.

Various methods and techniques are used to diagnose and treat orthophoria. One of these is an orthoptic examination, in which a specialist checks the position and movement of the eyes, as well as their ability to work in sync. If strabismus or other abnormalities are detected, treatment methods such as wearing special glasses, eye exercises, or even surgical correction may be used.

In conclusion, orthophoria is a condition of the eyes in which they are in a straight position and looking at one point. This condition is desirable for clear and distinct vision, as well as the ability to perceive depth and spatial perspective. To diagnose and treat orthophoria, you need to consult a specialist who will help determine the presence of any disorders and choose the appropriate treatment approach.