Osler's Symptom

Osler syndrome is a pathology characterized by the addition of various manifestations to acute inflammatory processes occurring in the kidneys, lungs or gastrointestinal tract. Formed as a result of weakening or cessation of the immune system’s defenses to successfully combat infectious processes.

What is slera syndrome? It can be either congenital or acquired. In this case, the immune system does not react so actively to possible pathogens, and their course is aggravated due to the accumulation of toxins in the tissues. Additionally, such patients often have problems with the lymphatic system, which worsens the situation.

It most often develops in people suffering from the following diseases: - cystitis; - enterocolitis; - pyelonephritis; Osler-Winternitz syndrome can manifest itself with symptoms that, at first glance, have no connection with each other. At the same time, the following occur: 1.) fever and high body temperature 2.) drowsiness, decreased activity 3.) dyspepsia 4.) paresthesia and muscle pain 5.) anuria, changes in urine composition (leukocytes, blood) 6.) red-bluish edema face, neck and upper body. There are four types of Osler syndrome.

Types of Osler syndrome 1) hypertrophic type; 2) rheumatic type.