Angioneurotrophic osteodystrophy

The article discusses pathological processes in the human body associated with degenerative changes in the bones. First of all, attention is paid to angioneutrophic osteodystrophy. The etiology of this disease, its diagnosis and treatment methods will be described below.

Osteodystrophic processes are characterized by the fact that the mineral metabolism of the bone is disrupted, its structure becomes uneven, and its fragility occurs. If destructive changes occur that affect the bone structure of several areas at once, this leads to fractures or even amputation of the limbs. Osteosclerosis and osteopenia are the first stages of this disorder. Often accompanying phenomena are bone tumors and malignant intoxication of the body. Tumors interfere with the normal metabolism of minerals in bone tissue, causing changes in the shape and size of the bone. The growth of tumors is accompanied by pain. Patients are characterized by increased fatigue, and their professional degradation occurs. As the disease progresses, there is a tendency to develop anemia, people's performance decreases, their sleep is disturbed and irritability increases.

If bone structures undergo degenerative changes over a long period, this affects the condition of the entire body. Swelling, cramps, shortness of breath - such manifestations are diagnosed in osteodystrophic processes. They are detected in children with disorders of bone architecture. Signs of osteopathy may appear due to insufficient nutrition or due to toxic effects on the body. The pathological condition may be caused by a violation of the mechanisms of bone formation during the period of its growth. It is provoked by toxic poisoning with medications, exposure to ionizing radiation and other negative factors. The pathology is also caused by chronic diseases of the kidneys and endocrine system, hyperparathyroidism, and vitamin D metabolism disorders. An excess of sex hormones due to ovarian dysfunction in women, as well as age-related changes are triggered by a lack of microelements and an excess of vitamins.

To correctly make a diagnosis, a comprehensive examination is required, which includes x-rays, laboratory tests and tissue biopsies. Based on the results obtained, the optimal treatment is selected in each specific case. In advanced stages of the disease, patients are treated surgically or use conservative treatment methods. To stop the inflammatory process, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, and patients are prescribed a diet that involves limiting the consumption of salt and foods rich in cholesterol. They need to monitor their weight and treat concomitant diseases in a timely manner.

Osteodysplasia angioedema. **(osteodysplasias angiostrongyca; Greek osteon bone + dysplasia malformation + Latin anguilla acne + Greek -trophe food)**

Osteodyspoplosia angioneurrotrophyea (ONAN) is a dysostosis characterized by damage to various skeletal bones in the form of painful and hypocalcemic ulcers. Lesions are rarely located, most often on the surface of the bones in the area of ​​the epiphysis, less often in the metadiaphysis or diaphysis of long bones,