Osteogenesis Heteroplastic

Heteroplastic osteogenesis (or metaplastic osteogenesis) is the process of formation of bone tissue from cells that are not osteogenic.

In heteroplastic osteogenesis, bone is formed from connective tissue, cartilage, muscle or fat tissue. This process occurs in some diseases and pathological conditions.

For example, heteroplastic osteogenesis can be observed in myositis ossificans, when bone tissue is formed in skeletal muscles. It is also characteristic of Paget's disease of bone, when abnormal growth of bone tissue occurs in the bones, forming from fibrous stroma.

Heteroplastic osteogenesis differs from orthotopic osteogenesis, in which bone is formed from the transformation of osteogenic cells - osteoblasts.

Thus, heteroplastic osteogenesis is a non-physiological process of bone formation from various tissues other than bone tissue. It is characteristic of a number of pathological conditions.