Osteochondrosis Juvenile

Juvenile osteochondrosis is a pathological condition in which deformation and destruction of the cartilage of the spine occurs. Typically, this process starts during the formation of the body and continues throughout a person’s life.

Juvenile osteochondrosis has several degrees of severity:

- I degree – the initial stage of development of osteochondrosis. Characterized by pain in the spine, headaches, insomnia, absent-mindedness, weakness, decreased immunity, etc. - II degree – progressive. Back pain is more intense, crunching and hernias appear in the lumbar region, stooping - this classification of juvenile osteochondrosis stage implies an acute process with serious complications. If the juvenile stage is detected early and adequate treatment is taken, the chances of a full recovery are greatly increased. - III degree. It is characterized by complete loss of ability to work due to the pathological condition of the intervertebral discs and significant pain in the area of ​​damaged vertebrae. In this case, the most effective treatment method is surgery.

The entire therapeutic approach depends on the severity of the process. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by a specialist therapist, orthopedist, neurologist, together with a surgeon as necessary. It is important to assess the general condition of the patient, which makes it possible to establish the degree of danger