
Osteomyelitis is a serious inflammatory disease characterized by damage to the bone marrow and all bone elements caused by infection. This condition can occur as a result of open fractures or as a result of impact on the bone marrow during bone or joint surgery. One of the main reasons for the development of osteomyelitis is the presence of microorganisms in the blood.

Acute osteomyelitis, often occurring in children, is characterized by intense pain, swelling and redness in the diaphysis of long bones. These symptoms are accompanied by a general deterioration in health and an increase in body temperature. Chronic osteomyelitis can develop independently or be the result of untreated acute osteomyelitis. In some cases, chronic osteomyelitis may be caused by diseases such as tuberculosis or syphilis.

Treatment of osteomyelitis involves the use of high doses of antibiotics, which are aimed at destroying the causative agents of infection. In some cases, surgical drainage of the affected area may be necessary to remove purulent contents. Late treatment can lead to deformation and shortening of the bone.

Prevention of osteomyelitis includes maintaining good hygiene, especially during fractures and surgical interventions, as well as timely treatment of infections and maintaining the body's immunity. It is also important to pay attention to the symptoms of osteomyelitis, such as intense pain, swelling and redness in the area of ​​the affected bone, increased body temperature and general deterioration of health, and immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

In general, osteomyelitis is a serious disease that requires timely diagnosis and adequate treatment. Appropriate therapy, including antibiotics and, if necessary, surgery, can help prevent complications and maintain bone health and function.

Osteomyelit's Osteomyelit is an intoxication with the penetration of infection into bone tissue, with its integrity being damaged. Due to osteomyelitis, changes occur in the patient’s bone tissue, its integrity is disrupted, which causes intense pain and pathological changes in the general well-being and functioning of many organs and systems. The main changes occur in the chest and lower extremities. Many patients die from complications from osteomyelitis, so doctors must quickly determine its presence in the body and begin the necessary therapy as quickly as possible.

Prolonged neglect of osteomyellitis leads to the formation of a focus of inflammation, which does not respond to antibiotic therapy and contributes to the development of bone deformities. The patient’s bones become fragile, brittle, prone to injury, and poorly conduct impulses from muscle structures.

Inflammation of the bone marrow Complications from osteomyelitis can lead to serious consequences, the most common of which is the formation of abscesses, fistulas or purulent synovitis. In the purulent foci, intensive breakdown of cells begins, they die, become necrotic, so that microorganisms receive everything they need as food. Doctors call this zone molten bone. Near the source of infection, the bone tissue becomes sparse and begins to deteriorate, the process progresses. Bone fragility and fragility are characteristic signs of deformation from osteomyelpitis. The outer surface of the bones is loosened, as under the influence of bacteria they begin to lose calcium and phosphate. The melted bone takes on fuzzy and uneven outlines, turns into granulation tissue or takes on the shape of a sponge. It is this kind of lesion that is characteristic of osteomyelitis deformans.