Osteotomy Corrective Supracondylar

Operand is an osteotomic part of the bone, i.e., a detached section of bone with exposed areas of osteon and medullary canals (in the suprascapular region it can reach 5 cm or more). In clinical practice and educational purposes, osteotomy of the supracondylar bone is used for

Osteotomy is a bone grafting operation. It is performed in most cases for orthopedic diseases and skeletal deformities. The direction of impact on bone tissue can be different - sometimes it involves removing parts of the bone, sometimes lengthening them, and sometimes bending the bone. During osteotomy, corrective surgery is performed, often surgical intervention is performed subperiosteally or in the periosteal plane. When such bone manipulation is carried out, the patient remains incapacitated for a long time, so doctors carefully consider the plan and course of the operation. An osteotome is a tool that is used during an osteotomy operation; such a device is used in some areas of medicine. Osteotoma is necessary