What causes papillomas: the main reasons

The content of the article:
  1. Main causes of papillomas
  2. Why do they appear?
    1. In men
    2. Among women
  3. How does the human papillomavirus manifest?

Papilloma is a benign neoplasm on the body, which appears as a result of human infection with the virus of the same name, which belongs to the Papoviridae family, Papillomavirus group. The main danger is that such growths can degenerate into malignant tumors. Therefore, if you discover papilloma in yourself, you should immediately begin treatment, and you need to start the fight against neoplasms by studying the causes of their occurrence.

The main causes of papillomas

The human papillomavirus (HPV) infects the skin and mucous membranes, on which growths of various shapes subsequently form. The formation is attached to the skin by a stalk, often much smaller in size than the papilloma itself. Its structure is dense, the color varies from pale pink to dark brown.

Note! HPV is not only the cause of warts and papillomas, it also provokes the occurrence of dysplasia, cervical and genital cancer.

There are currently more than 100 types of HPV. However, its presence in the body does not mean that a person will necessarily develop papillomas. There is a group of factors that predispose to an increase in the activity of the virus and, accordingly, the appearance of tumors on the skin.

The formation of papillomas is provoked by the following factors:

  1. Decreased immunity. Poor nutrition, low physical activity, poor environment, overwork - all this suppresses the body's defenses and significantly increases the level of virus activity in cells.
  2. Frequent colds. Failure to comply with bed rest during the acute course of influenza and ARVI, as well as cessation of treatment until complete recovery, leads to serious complications and affects the ability of cells to resist viral infections, which causes papillomas to appear. In this case, it is extremely important to carry out a biochemical blood test after suffering a viral or bacterial disease in order to make a reasoned decision about continuing or ending treatment.
  3. Stress. Stress and depression, insomnia, apathy radically affect the state of the human body and increase the likelihood of papillomas.
  4. Bad habits. The danger of smoking and frequent drinking of alcohol in connection with HPV is the activation of the reproduction of the type of virus that provokes the formation of papillomas with a high degree of degeneration into malignant tumors.
  5. Long-term use of antibiotics. In Soviet times, prescribing antibiotics was considered common practice in the treatment of colds. Modern medicine clearly distinguishes between the treatment of viral and bacterial infections. Antiviral drugs will help to cope with a viral infection, and antibiotics will help with a bacterial infection. This is due to the fact that the latter not only do not kill viruses, but also provoke their deeper penetration into the human body. Therefore, long-term use of antibiotics has an extremely negative effect on the body’s condition and can cause the appearance of papillomas.
  6. Failure to comply with hygiene rules. Skin pollution and excessive sweating provoke the formation of growths on the body. This occurs due to the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, which create a favorable environment for increased HPV activity, which in turn causes the appearance of papillomas on the body. This is one of the main provoking factors that cause papillomas in men.
  7. Visiting public places. This applies, first of all, to swimming pools and showers in sports clubs, sanatoriums, and recreation centers. Here it is extremely necessary to use special shoes. In the pools there are “aqua shoes”, in the showers there are slippers made of easy-to-clean material. Also, the reasons for the appearance of papillomas include visiting hairdressers, dental clinics and carrying out any medical procedures with non-compliance with sanitary standards in general medical institutions.
Important! Even if HPV infection occurs, everyone can prevent the formation of skin tags. To do this, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and observe personal hygiene rules.

Read more about the causes of papillomas in men and women below.

What causes papillomas?

Many people don't even know they have HPV. This indicates that the body is strong, full of strength and resists dangers coming from outside. In the same case, if immunity is reduced and one or several factors unfavorable for a person are added at once, the activity of the virus increases significantly, and this leads to the appearance of tumors on the body.

Causes of papillomas in men

Symptoms of human papillomavirus are less common in men than in women. This is due, first of all, to the physiological characteristics of the structure of the genital organs. But there is a list of provoking factors that are specific to representatives of the stronger sex.

Men are susceptible to the appearance of papillomas in the following cases:

  1. Wounds, abrasions, cracks. As practice shows, representatives of the stronger sex rarely attach importance to such trifles as shallow cuts, scratches, calluses. However, it is precisely because of the violation of the integrity of the skin that HPV enters the body, which leads to the formation of benign tumors and becomes the cause of papillomas.
  2. Neglect of hygiene rules. Doctors say that changing socks every day is not enough. In the summer, when wearing closed shoes (for example, if the work dress code requires it), you need to change your socks every 4-5 hours. And you need to wash your feet with soap, and not just rinse with cool water. In addition, it is recommended to take a shower not only at night, but also after sleep.
  3. Use of shared sports equipment. For example, swearing during sparring in combat sports. Most martial arts involve practicing barefoot. The athlete places his foot with a scratch on the infected mat, which causes papillomas to appear.
  4. Visiting tattoo parlors. Unfortunately, not all tattoo artists use disposable materials in their work. High-quality and effective products for processing reusable materials that kill viruses and harmful bacteria cost a lot of money. This leads to higher prices for services and often loss of customers. Hence the savings, which expose tattoo lovers to the risk of HPV infection and cause the appearance of papillomas.

Of course, all these unfavorable factors also apply to women, but more often they lead to the appearance of tumors on the male body.

What causes papillomas in women?

As the World Health Organization notes, in the 21st century, symptoms of the human papillomavirus occur in almost 70% of the world's population. There are approximately equal numbers of men and women among them. However, papillomas are more common in the fair sex.

Let's consider the reasons for the appearance of papillomas in women:

  1. Visiting beauty salons. The situation is similar to that in the case of male tattoo materials - non-compliance with the standards for processing instruments. This applies to manicure and pedicure, permanent makeup of eyes, lips, eyebrows.
  2. Dental services. According to statistics, women take more care of their oral health and more often use services for teeth whitening, bite improvement, installation of crowns and dental implants, and gum treatment. These medical procedures, due to medical negligence, can also cause papilloma.
  3. Untimely change of linen. Here it is worth paying special attention to the area under the breasts, which women often do not take proper care of. During the hot season, the number of pathogenic bacteria accumulating under the mammary glands may exceed their concentration in the armpits. That is why it is necessary to regularly wash this area with soap and change your bra every day.
  4. Physiological feature. As noted earlier, the point is the difference in the structure of the genital organs of men and women. In the former, they are more closed, so the body is not as susceptible to HPV attacks. In women, on the contrary, the mucous membranes are more open and therefore more susceptible to infection by the human papillomavirus. To reduce the risk, it is necessary to change underwear and hygiene products used every day and during menstruation as often as possible.
Note! It is in women with HPV that benign neoplasms most often degenerate into malignant ones. That's why they are more often offered a form of prevention such as vaccination. But not everyone agrees to it. There is a popular belief that this injection can lead to infertility. Doctors deny this fact.

How does the human papillomavirus manifest itself?

Photo of papillomas

Signs that the activity of the human papillomavirus has increased is the appearance of various neoplasms on the skin. These include the following types of benign tumors:

  1. Warts. They are convex round growths on the skin that appear, as a rule, on the arms and legs, less often on other parts of the body. They do not itch, do not hurt and do not change color. They do not transform into malignant tumors. The only cause of concern can be aesthetic unattractiveness.
  2. Papillomas. Growths of various shapes, attached to the skin by a stalk. They form on the neck, armpits, under the breasts in women, and even on the nipples during pregnancy.
    . Papilloma is a sign of HPV, most often recorded by doctors.
  3. Spikes. The specificity of this neoplasm is that it grows not outward, but inside the epidermis. It has a round shape. The growths can be grouped into halos consisting of 10 warts. They are localized mainly on the soles of the feet, less often on the fingers and toes.
  4. Genital warts. This is the main symptom of human papillomavirus in men. They have a heterogeneous shape, similar to cauliflower. Most often they form on the skin of the genital organs. They are rarely isolated, but grow into halos.

In addition, as a result of increased HPV activity, diseases such as laryngeal papillomatosis, bowenoid papulosis and cervical dysplasia develop. However, these ailments, unlike skin formations that can be detected either independently or by cosmetologists, are diagnosed only by doctors.

What is human papillomavirus - watch the video:

Men and women can be infected with HPV from childhood, because there is another route of infection - at birth, during the baby’s passage through the birth canal. Therefore, when you see changes in your baby’s skin, keep in mind that this may be the first sign of papilloma. Get tested for HPV, labeled in laboratories as HPV, and keep the issue under control; this can protect your loved one from cancer in the future.