Otgem Atom

Otgem Atom: causes, symptoms and treatment

Atom's hemorrhage is a hemorrhage in the area of ​​the outer surface of the auricle, which occurs between the cartilage and the perichondrium or between the cartilage and the skin. This condition can occur due to trauma to the pinna, such as in wrestlers or boxers. It can also appear in elderly or debilitated people spontaneously or with prolonged pressure from a hard pillow.

The main symptom of Othem Atom is a hemispherical smooth swelling with a purplish-blue color. On palpation it is painless and fluctuates. If the hematoma is small, then a pressure bandage can be applied. However, if the hematoma is large, then a puncture with suction of the contents and application of a pressure bandage is necessary.

If you have Otgem Atom, you should consult a doctor. He will conduct an examination and determine what treatment is required in a particular case. If the hematoma is small, the doctor may advise applying a pressure bandage and monitoring the condition. If the hematoma is large, then a puncture with suction of the contents and application of a pressure bandage may be necessary.

In general, Atom's hemorrhage is a fairly rare condition that can occur due to injury or other factors. However, if you suspect that you have Othem Atom, you should see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. In most cases, this condition can be successfully treated if you see a doctor on time and follow his recommendations.