Otitis External Granulating

Otitis externa granular is a chronic inflammatory disease of the ear caused by infection and characterized by the formation of granules on the surface of the eardrum. This disease is manifested by unpleasant and painful sensations in the ear, as well as hearing loss. In this article we will look at the causes of external granular otitis, its symptoms and treatment.


Granulatory otitis externa is a consequence of an infectious process in the external auditory canal. The causative agents of infection can be different: microbes, fungi or viruses. Factors predisposing to the development of granular otitis media include: * Ear injuries and bleeding from a wound; * Foreign bodies; * Improper ear hygiene; * Disruption of the normal flora of the ear; * Common infections; * Immunodeficiency conditions; *Hypothermia and hypothermia. Treatment

Granular external otitis is caused by a bacterial infection. Therefore, antibiotic therapy with local drugs is prescribed. The most commonly prescribed ear drops contain an antibiotic. In cases of severe pain and the inability to stop inflammation, use