Otitis External Spill

Otitis externa diffuse (o. externa diffusa) is an inflammation of the external auditory canal, which affects its entire skin.

The disease is characterized by sharp pain in the ear, which intensifies when the jaw moves and when pressing on the tragus. There is discharge of pus or sanguineous exudate from the ear. The ear canal is completely filled with inflamed skin, sometimes with fibrin deposits.

Causes of the disease:

  1. ear injury from foreign objects
  2. prolonged exposure to water when swimming
  3. allergic reactions
  4. infections

Diagnosis is based on the clinical picture and otoscopy data.


  1. antibiotics
  2. anti-inflammatory ear drops
  3. physiotherapy
  4. regular ear toilets

The prognosis with timely treatment is favorable. The disease goes away without consequences.